All You Have to Do Is Tell Us Only What You Saw. Otherwise the Mean Lady Might Yell at You Again.

Habitation How To Get Mad in Japanese: 30 Angry Japanese Phrases for When Y'all Only Can't Accept it!

How To Get Mad in Japanese: 30 Angry Japanese Phrases for When You Just Can't Take it!

How To Get Mad in Japanese: 30 Angry Japanese Phrases for When You lot Just Can't Take it!

Date published: 6 Dec 2019
Concluding updated: 29 September 2020

Japanese people are oftentimes described as very polite and reserved. In fact, many of them don't show an expressive personality in public and rather go on their feelings inside than spitting information technology all out.

But that doesn't mean at that place are no words to limited your emotions!

In this article, we'll accept a look at rude Japanese phrases for those times you just want to tell someone off.

Tabular array of Contents
  1. How older people get mad in Japanese
  2. How adults go angry in Japanese
  3. Angry Japanese phrases younger people/teenager tend to use
  4. Petulant or angry phrases Japanese kids utilise
  5. ...And the most powerful Japanese expression of all!

How older people become mad in Japanese

How older people get mad in Japanese

i. "Hara ga tatsu."= I'm irritated. / I'm angry.
This is one of the almost common phrases that is used to describe general acrimony. It can range from being irritated to absolutely pissed off depending on how yous say it.
・Example: Ughh, hara ga tatsu! He's parking the auto in front of our place again!

2. "Ikari shinto ni hassuru."/"Ikari shinto."= I am completely mad.
"Ikari shinto ni hasshita." = I was completely mad.
This phrase is kind of an idiom. Although it means you lot are unbelievably aroused, it is non usually used at the fourth dimension when you exploded but used when y'all draw how upset you were.
・Example: Then, she snorted at me! At that time, ikarhi shinto ni hasshita.

three. "Atama ni kuru." = I'm losing my temper.
"Atama ni kita." = I lost my temper.
This phrase is used when y'all express your anger to yourself or somebody else who is non the one who provoked you.
・Example: Ahhh, atama ni kuru. My colleague just left his chore on my desk and has gone home while I was in a meeting. He ever does this.
These three phrases to a higher place all contain the words of body parts such equally 'hara' (stomach), 'shinto' (heart), and 'atama' (head). In fact, Japanese idioms oftentimes use a part of the body.

4. "Ii kagen ni shiro!" (Male phrase) = Give me a intermission! / That is enough (so stop information technology)!
"Ii kagen ni shite!" (Female phrase) = Give me a break, delight! / That is enough (so please stop it)!
・Example: Ii kagen ni shiro! It's already later on the mid-night, kids! Close up and become to bed!

5. "Yamero!" (Male phrase) = Stop it!
"Yamete!" (Female phrase) = Terminate it, please!
"Oyame nasai!" (Very formal, polite phrase but likewise implies an order) = Would you end it, darling, correct now.
"Yame nasai!" (Less formal, but still polite, also implies an club. Usually used when a speaker is in a higher position than the one who is told. For example, a boss to an employee, a parent to their child, or an possessor to their pet) = Finish it!
・Example: Yamete! I said I don't want to listen to a ghost story! Don't you dare first.
*Don't stop in Japanese would exist "Yamenaide."

half-dozen. "Omae no sei daro!" (Male phrase) = Information technology is your fault! = It must exist your fault!
"Anata no sei desho!" (Female phrase) = Information technology is your fault! = Information technology is your fault, isn't information technology?
In current Nihon, 'omae' is a very rude way to phone call somebody, then many Japanese get a similar impression every bit when English speakers are called similar 'oi, you!' Whereas 'anata' is a very formal and polite discussion which likewise means 'you lot', that would exist 'sir/madam', or 'darling' when information technology'due south said with a friendly tone, in English.
There is also some other difference between these two phrases if you see the finish of each phrase. 'Daro' hither is quite judging while 'desho' here is more like asking. This gap makes the bodily meanings of these phrases significantly different even though their definitions seem the same.
In Japanese, it used to exist believed that women must employ 'female language' which always contains the meaning of 'delight'. As you see in the phrases shown in a higher place, they mostly share the words except for the very terminal sound of the sentences. In many cases, 'te' at the end of a sentence makes it into a more pleading phrase.
Many older ladies still speak this dissimilar language, while younger ones tend not to follow this old hat lingo.

7. "Mattaku." = Damn it. / Oh well. / etc.
This phrase shows a slight irritation, peculiarly when yous give up fighting confronting something that annoys you.
・Example: Mattaku... How many times should I tell my colleague that she's taking the wrong procedure? I'1000 fed up with roofing her...

eight. "Baka baka shii." = Nonsense. / Bollocks. / Stupid. / etc.
This phrase shows irritation and a slight antipathy.
・Case: Baka baka shii. What kind of myth does that politician believe? All he speaks is nonsense.

How adults get angry in Japanese

How adults get angry in Japanese

ix. "Chikusho!" = Damn! / Damn information technology!
This phrase comes from Buddhism. Chikusho ways animals, sometimes specifically domestic animals, or animate being/brute. In Buddhism, the animal doesn't include human being-beings, and information technology is believed that information technology states inferiority to humans. Stemming from this, the Japanese used to call a person who does what is non acceptable as a human 'chikusho'.
Unlike the English language word "damn!", this Japanese word is not so unremarkably used by younger people today as it sounds a fleck too dramatic to say in the existent world. However, some older ones still say it when they are irritated.
・Example: Chikusho! Nosotros were ripped off!

10. "Huzakeruna." = Finish fooling effectually. / Come on. / What the hell? / etc.
"Huzakenaide." (Female phrase. Well-nigh the same meaning but this one has a pleading tone.)
The literal meaning of this phrase is 'terminate fooling around.' But it can also draw your irritation or unpleasant surprise such as 'come up on!' or 'what the hell?'
Again, there is a female version. In younger generations, women generally don't speak the female language as much every bit older people exercise, but some specific phrases are still used.
・Case: Huzakeruna! You said everything on the card was 500 yen! I'thousand not gonna pay 10,000 yen just for three glasses of beer and sashimi. This is a scam!
・Example 2: Huzakenaide! You must've been told we'd charge you lot for service and the venue fee. This is non a scam!

11. "Kanben shite." "Kanben shitekure." = For goodness' sake!
This phrase does not always illustrate acrimony every bit it originally means 'Please, stop it now for me. I've had/done/tried enough.' Then, you might hear it at a market, for instance, a friendly seller might say it to a customer who is haggling too much.
・Instance: Kanben shitekure. We've waited for two hours, and y'all say we were in the wrong queue? Have mercy, please!

12. "Iraira suru." "Iratsuku."= I'm irritated.
'Iraira' describes the statement of being irritated. So, you can also use this phrase like 'iraira shiteru ne.' = You are irritated (aren't you)? when yous worry about somebody who seems quite upset.
・Instance:Ughh, iraira suru! The car before us is likewise slow!

13. "Nametenja ne zo." "Namen na./Nameru na."= Don't mess with me. / Don't take me for granted.
This phrase is to use when you are treated badly. It may scare people depending on the tone of phonation, and so you should exist careful when using information technology.
However, the literal significant of 'nameru na' is 'don't lick.' And so, y'all may also hear, for instance, a parent says to their kid 'Nameru na.' or 'Namenai de.'(softer version) to stop them licking something muddy, for instance.
・Example: Yous think I can do cipher? Namen na. You'll see.

fourteen. "Yurusanai." = I'm not gonna forgive (yous/her/ him/etc.).
"Yurusenai." = I tin't forgive (you/her/him/etc.).
・Example: She cheated on me. Yurusenai!

xv. "Nandayo!" = Bloody hell!

16. "Damare." = Shut up.

17. "Kiero." = Piss off.

18. "Kuso!" = Sh*t! / F*ck!
A: Nandayo! You pushed me first!
B: Damare. It was an accident, merely then y'all kicked me on purpose. I can call the police if you similar.
A: Kuso! You'll regret this!
B: Kiero.

19. "Oi! "= Oi!
It'southward pronounced nearly the same as the English language version, but if the Japanese cry out "oi!", it ways he/she is furious. (Or, in some cases, they are not angry merely just extremely rude.)
・Instance: Oi! Are you listening to me? I said you scratched my car!

20. "Hai hai." = Aye, yes. / Okay, okay.
In Japan, proverb yes twice is often considered rude behavior. In fact, many parents tell their kids off for it. So, when the Japanese dare speaks like this, it 99% surely ways that they are quite annoyed and want to permit another person realize it, or might be even trying to provoke them. Imagine how you lot'd feel if somebody says "I know, I know." before you finish. It is a similar situation to how the Japanese experience when somebody says "Hai hai."
A: Are you listening to me? I'm saying I asked y'all 2 hours ago to do the dishes, and y'all are still sitting on a sofa, watching the DVD! How dare you!
B: Hai hai. By the way, do you know who's doing all the housework every solar day?

Aroused Japanese phrases younger people/teenager tend to use

Angry Japanese phrases younger people/teenager tend to use

Younger Japanese are oft called "satori generation" (Satori=Enlightenment), which means they are realistic, probable to aim at merely an attainable goal, and having footling eagerness. It also caused them to be hesitant or even tend to avoid clashing with others. Hence, the angry words they use are often less ambitious compared to the other generations.
Also, as many of them are enlightened of unfairness betwixt male person language and female linguistic communication, they tend not to use it themselves, and non to expect others to use it as well.

21. "Mukatsuku." = I'k angry. / I don't like it. / etc.
Mukatsuku originally indicates the condition of your belly being funny like after you overate oily food. So, y'all tin can also use this phrase when you experience a bit sick to your breadbasket, 'I ga mukatsuku.' (i = tummy)
And, because when information technology can also happen when yous are upset, this phrase is used to limited acrimony as well.
・Example: Mukatsuku! He saw me tripped, and laughed!

22. "Uzai" = Information technology's annoying. / I'k bellyaching.
This is kind of slang, which the original give-and-take was "Uzattai."
Uzai, uzattai both are used when something (ofttimes persistently) annoys y'all.
・Instance: Ahhh, uzai! End following me. I said I wouldn't go out with y'all!

23. "Doh demo ii." = Whatsoever. / I don't intendance.

24. "Suki ni sure ba?" = Why don't you behave as yous like?

25. "Moh 2." = I had enough. / I don't look anything from you anymore.
These phrases show that a speaker no longer has any interest in others because they are offended/angry/fed upward/ etc. In Japan, many people remember indifference is worth than hate. Hence, you lot might be in a serious situation when y'all hear these phrases.

26. "Ha?" = What the hell?
This sounds often indicates a slight irritation or unpleasant surprise. (And some younger people also use it when they are overwhelmed because something too practiced happens.)
Unlike the English phrase 'what the hell?' or any related variation, this is ofttimes considered as a rude, cheeky phrase by older people. Hence, I recommend you to consider it well before you try the word.

27. "Smoothen." = Die.
Younger people ofttimes utilize this word as a similar nuance of 'f*ck!' in English, to show their acrimony/irritation. So, although the literal significant of this phrase is 'dice' or 'you lot die', it can exist said to objects as well.
Note: As you run into its pregnant, this is non a very good word. I suggest, if you experience similar to try information technology, to just use it inside friends or family unit, and non to humans/animals.
・Example: So, here'southward yet another fault! You, useless estimator, shine!

Petulant or angry phrases Japanese kids use

Petulant or angry phrases Japanese kids use

28. "Moh!" = Ughh!
This shows a frustrating feeling when a thing doesn't go every bit you lot expect. Grown-ups besides use it when they are alone or with their friends/family unit.
・Instance one: Child: Moh! My sis broke my sandcastle!
・Case two: Adult: Moh! This laptop has a heed of its own!

29. "Ya!" "Yada!" = No! / I don't want (to practice) it! / I detest it! / etc.
Kids use these phrases when they don't like/like to practice something, for case, when they are forced to eat what they dislike or when they are told to put toys abroad. 'Yada' tin also be used past adults.
・Example 1: Child: Ya! I don't go abode however! I wanna play more than!
・Case 2: Child: Yada! Yada! Yada! I hate carrot! I don't wanna eat it!
・Example 3: Adult: What? Yada. I'm not gonna fetch a beer for you, dad. I'thou watching Telly.

...And the most powerful Japanese expression of all!

...And the most powerful Japanese expression of all!

At present y'all know 29 typical expressions of anger in Japanese! You'll definitely hear them on Television, or you might fifty-fifty have a run a risk to catch some in public during your stay.

And, hither is the most common one across all generations, that is to say, 'silence.'

Afterwards all, most Japanese people remain quiet when they are completely furious, letting the absenteeism of sound speak louder than any shout could. It might be because they lose for words when they are agitated as they are not used to expressing their feelings but to holding it. Or, it might be because they experience it's embarrassing to spit out how they're offended by others. (You lot might have an experience where a Japanese person asked, 'Are y'all aroused?' when you were just tranquility. Well, this is the reason why they asked.)

Written by:


A Japanese writer who is from a city by the sea. Started writing from the historic period of ten. Since then, pen and notebook have ever been the all-time friend. Loves travelling, tea, and books.

*This data is from the time of this article's publication.
*Prices and options mentioned are bailiwick to change.
*Unless stated otherwise, all prices include tax.

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