Ao3 Funny How Love Is Carry N

It all started as a funny joke. Kids find humor in everything, even if something isn't funny. And once one person starts laughing then you've got the whole world in tears.

In the ashy shadows of the Hunter's attic, a plethora of junk and dust can be found. For Mono and Six, they need a key to advance. But curiosity can be an enticing lure, and after seeing a small creature run past them, the only logical thing to do is follow the small white capped thing.

While the two have yet to learn what a Nome is, the Nome is the least of their concerns.

With a lift from Six and a yank from Mono, the duo journey higher into the Hunter's attic. While the taxidermy person would scare off any regular kid, Mono and Six are as courageous as they are curious.

Mono climbs head first into the Nome's attic, chasing the Nome. Six follows closely behind, glad to be given the freedom of exploration.

Officially in the Nome's attic, the duo begin the hunt.

First, Mono opens the nearby suitcase to find the Nome. It narrowly escapes Six, her fast reflexes not nearly fast enough.

Next, Mono considers throwing a shoe at the Nome's new hiding place. But Six and her tenacity stop that. Six rams her shoulder against the stack of boxes, shooing the Nome from their hiding place. Mono almost grabs the Nome but his hands simply aren't fast enough.

Surrounding the drawer, both Mono and Six prepare to finally catch the Nome. While Mono opens the drawer, Six readies herself. And with a quick nab, Six successfully grabs the Nome! Only for the small critter to wiggle its way from Six's grasp. Six pouts as the Nome runs to a nearby chair, hiding underneath.

Six is quick to run and start kicking the chair. Mono follows suit and jumps on the tired seat, giving way for the Nome to escape and run deeper in the attic.

The duo follow the Nome inside the pitch black area. For a moment, the two hold hands to mask their fear. But the light from the Nome changes that, so the two awkwardly pretend like they didn't hold hands for a moment.

One long, boring puzzle later, Mono finds himself a new hat. He immediately shows it off to an unimpressed Six. While the Nome provides an escape to the attic, the duo decide to investigate the lit area.

From bear traps to old shoes, Mono and Six find themselves incredibly disappointed with the attic. While Mono loves the Nome hat, hitting every surface he comes into contact with isn't all that great. Six laughs every time he hits something, so maybe the pain is worth it.

"Oi! Hey!"

Mono changes his attention from searching to seeing. He looks around and sees Six signaling over. Running on over, Mono follows Six into a small corner tucked between shelves of useless junk. In this small cubby of darkness and dust, a single TV sits. While the duo can't see it, there's a VHS player on the top with a video already put in.

Mono turns to Six and asks the first thing that comes to mind.

"What is it?"

Six scoffs and points at the TV with cockiness.

"It's a mirror. If you look really close, you can see your reflection."

Mono walks up to the TV, inspecting it very closely. He turns to Six and retorts.

"This is a TV. It's reflective, but it's not a mirror."

Six shrugs, still believing her own theory.
"Close enough."

Mono turns back to the TV and inspects it.

There's dust all over the screen, it's unknown if the machine still works. Mono starts to fidgets with the surface of the TV, looking for anything to dial or press. If he manages to find a button to press, he'd be impressed if anything happens.

Meanwhile Six watches from afar, contributing nothing.

With a push and a tug, the TV comes to life. It blares white noise, showing images of static. Mono is quick to tune the dial and find something to watch. With more static and occasional flashes of black and white images, Mono finds just the right frequency.

"ZZZZZZZZZZ— My ZZZZZ— darling, the sun shines brighter when I'm with you."

On the screen, A young man and young girl stand face to face, holding expressions of sadness yet bitter happiness. The context is unknown but the somber music and cheap acting are reminiscent of an old romance movie.

Mono walks back to Six, sitting on the floor to watch the show. Six joins, deciding to sit next to him. Together they watch TV, taking a break from exploring.

"I've got to get going. Stay bright, love."

The young man walks away from the young girl, going through a yard fence and towards a house. As the young man goes to open the door, he turns around and sees the young girl standing still, waiting for the man. A beat of silence stays between the two, unspoken words sitting in anticipation.

Then the young man, full of vigor, runs back to the young girl and gives her a kiss speaking a million words in only a single moment.

The two hold each other's faces, smiling as they kiss. The music swells brightly, celebrating this moment.

"Ewww!!!" Both Mono and Six cover their eyes as they express their disgust with the kiss. With the disgust spoken in union, Mono and Six realize the humor in the situation. Mono and Six laugh as they find the combined 'ewww' to be funny.

While Six keeps laughing, covering her face from the television, Mono looks back to the screen with a wide grin. He watches the TV couple break from the kiss, smiling as they too begin to laugh. The TV couple bump heads, laughing with an almost foreign happiness.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Mono chuckles for a moment, trying to replicate the joy from before. Yet his face returns to a casual curiosity as he watches the TV couple find joy with each other. They smile, speaking voiceless laughs as their surroundings almost seem to blur.

It looks beautiful.

If Mono were to look beside him, he'd see a ditto of his own expression. While Six has never fancied herself a romantic, finding joy in life can be hard.

The duo watch the TV couple, hypnotized by the joy portrayed. To think that one small kiss can cause so much happiness. To be surrounded by sadness, yet find joy in one small act…

That is truly beautiful.

Suddenly, the TV returns to static as the VHS player spits out the tape. The quick action scares the duo, letting them return to a frightened hand hold. As the air returns to a passive state, the duo once again release each other and awkwardly ignore their previous interaction.

Curious as always, Mono stands up and walks to the spit out VHS tape. Without Six holding his hands, Mono picks up the tape and manages to put it back in the VHS player. A few moments later and a few spurts of noise, the TV glitches back to a viewable state.

The video plays again, only at a different point.

"Do we have to say goodbye?"

"Only for now, my love."

Mono returns to his seat as the romance plays once more. On the screen, the TV couple walk hand in hand, towards the young man's house. It's implied with the somber music that they won't see each other for a while.

The distance between the couple and the house grows thinner and thinner as the couple hold hands tighter and tighter. The somber music seems to grow as flashes of romantic scenes between the couple appear, only to fade away right after.

Almost all the flashbacks are scenes of the couple happy, smiling, kissing, enjoying each other's company.

Six gradually moves her hand, finding Mono's hand in the process. She rests her hand on his, a soft gesture that sends chills down Mono's spine. Soon after, their hands intertwine.

"My darling, the sun shines brighter when I'm with you."

A young man and young girl stand face to face, holding expressions of sadness yet bitter happiness.

Six scoots closer to Mono. The two find themselves closer than before, more awkward than before.

"Well, I've got to get going. Stay bright, love."

Mono turns to look at Six. They both look at each other, their eyes obscured yet clear in vision. Six helps Mono by lifting his bag; he doesn't stop her.

The young man walks away from the young girl, through his yard fence and into his house. But at his door, he stops and stands. Turning around, he sees the young girl still waiting for the man.

Mono gulps as Six seems to get closer. Was it always this hot in the attic? Mono can feel his nerves get shakier by the second.

The young man, full of vigor, runs back to the young girl and gives her a kiss speaking a hundred words in only a few seconds.

In a split second, Mono shakes away his fears and gives Six a very, very brief kiss. A peck, to be accurate. Yet the action shocks both of them as they seem to recoil in embarrassment.

Surprisingly, they begin to laugh.

The TV couple holds each other's faces, smiling as they kiss.

Both Mono and Six laugh with vigor as their embarrassment turns into enjoyment. They fill the empty attic with hopeful, bright laughter. They playfully push one another, content as never before.

"I love you."

Mono looks at Six with bright eyes.

"I love you too."

Six returns the look.

Then the two get closer. The TV continues to play joyful music as Mono and Six look into each other's eyes. Their surroundings seem to blur as only they exist.

Then another brief kiss appears. This time, both Mono and Six lean into the brief peck. This lets them laugh some more, riding from the high. Only, the laughing is much shorter than before.

Then they kiss again, keeping their lips connected for longer.

And once they separate to kiss once more, their eyes remain shut, knowing very well that their lips will land on the others.

So they keep kissing, their intervals of laughs dissipating. They instead spend their time making the experience more comfortable, more enjoyable.

Mono sighs as he smiles, brushing his hand through Six's silky hair.

Six tilts her head, making it easier to enjoy this soft moment of bliss.

In a world of hardships, fears of the unknown, and death, letting down your guard to enjoy something sweet can be dangerous. But for Mono and Six, this risk has reward.

One small kiss has led to something truly beautiful.

Suddenly, the TV returns to static as the VHS player spits out the tape. The quick action scares the duo, letting them return to a frightened non kissing state. This time, the two actually laugh, their cheeks hot as fire.

Mono and Six leave the little abode, leaving the Nome's attic with clasped hands.

In the ashy corners of an abandoned shack, a lifeless body can be found nearby. For Mono and Six they now hold the guilt of being responsible for said body. The Hunter lays lifeless afar, away from the sorry eyes of Mono or Six. The ringing in their ears makes everything all the more scary.

Mono climbs to his feet, his vision and hearing heavily disoriented. He wastes no time waltzing over to Six, helping her to stand.

As they both recover from the shock of the shotgun blast, they look towards the broken door.

The chase is over.

Mono and Six land on grass, their sight filled with sea. The path forward is led by a door inviting tourists to a special place. For the duo, they have one way forward.

Mono looks towards Six. His heart thumps louder than ritual drums, he fears Six might hear it; a part of it is her fault. When Six returns the glance, Mono feels his chest tighten.

The duo sit on nearby grass, looking towards the sea. Their hands remain connected as the fear of death slowly fades away. To help remedy this fear, Mono leans over and kisses Six on the cheek; he doesn't need a bag anymore, he trusts Six.

When Six receives the kiss, she doesn't laugh. Six looks towards Mono with a smile that makes his ears a little hot.

For some reason, this kiss didn't feel like all the other ones.

It wasn't very funny.

But it made Mono feel something else.

Something he will soon learn grows with every small kiss.

The two enjoy the small break. As their hands remain intertwined, a small red thread ties their hearts together. For now, it's small and weak.

But that will soon change.

In an abandoned apartment sitting by the outskirts of The Pale City, a roadblock keeps Mono and Six from going forward. The path forward is blocked by a wall, only accessible if Six lifts Mono through.

For Six, the last thing she wants to do is be left alone. The mere sight of the city has caused Six's anxiety to spike, making her automatically lock onto Mono's arm. Her comfort is synonymous with Mono's proximity, especially when Mono lets Six hide under his jacket.

But now that there's a roadblock, and now that Six must let Mono go, real problems arise.

"Six, I need you to lift me."

Six hides underneath Mono's jacket, still wrapped around his arm. She doesn't seem as scared as before, but she refuses to speak or get out of his jacket.

"I promise I'll come back and get you. You know I won't leave you behind."

Six remains stubborn, clinging onto Mono even tighter. This causes Mono to sigh, knowing very well that neither of them will get anywhere if they stay like this.

Mono fidgets a bit, peeking his head into his jacket. He sees Six hiding inside, clearly upset with the news that she's going to be left alone for any amount of time.

Mono, like the sweetheart he is, leans in and gives Six a kiss on the forehead. His soft lips remind Six's coarse skin that she deserves love, he gives a kindness almost forgotten to Six.

As Mono pulls back to look at Six, he smiles, making the interior of his jacket so much warmer.

"I'll come back for you. I promise."

Six looks at Mono. Her face brightens as Mono's smile makes her heart swell.

Finally, Six leaves Mono's jacket. She shuffles out from his care, standing in the cold air to much disappointment; she already misses his warmth.

Mono adjusts himself, also feeling a bit bad for not giving Six more hugs.

But before Six goes to lift Mono, she grabs Mono's shirt while & distracted and yanks him towards her, surprising him with a tender smooch.

Their lips share love, making both Mono and Six just a little warmer.

Six breaks away, leaving Mono a dazed mess. His cheeks grow hot as his shock is clear as day.

Then they laugh. Mono and Six laugh and smile, making all that anxiety and fear wash away.

And so when Six lifts Mono onwards, the small red thread in their heart stays strong, keeping them connected.

In the cramped corridors of the school, a small bathroom reverberates the sound of shattering porcelain. The bathroom is empty, filled with the remains of those who stood in Mono's path.

With a heavy thwack against a piece of wood, Six's head crashes against the floor, falling onto a puddle of tears and tap water. As she slowly recovers, Mono rushes to her aid.

As the world comes back to Six, her eyes hazily open; she's alone and shivering. Given this small chance, Six ignores her pain and tries to stand.

But she slips.

And someone catches her.

As Six looks at her rescuer, her heart swells to a point that it hurts. Left alone for what felt like days, Six had only one thought on her mind. All she could do was imagine infinite scenarios where her only friend would come and save her. After all, who else would?

But now he's here.

Now all Six can do is choke on the words she so desperately wants to yell for the whole world to hear. All she can do is yank Mono close to hide in the comfort of his jacket, knowing that nobody will hurt her when she's here. All Six wants to do is cry so only Mono can see how much she needs him.

Six clings to Mono, ignoring whatever pain she may feel from hitting the floor; he'll make everything feel alright anyway.

Mono wraps his arms around Six, using his jacket to hide her from the world. His comforting care washes over Six, protecting her from whatever evils lurk. Six melts in his encompassing love as everything just fades away.

Mono gently reminds Six how much he loves her, softly kissing her hair so Six can feel fuzzy all around. As the world fades away around them, Mono keeps kissing Six, content to just stay here until she's ready to leave.

The small red thread between them tightens, becoming stronger than before. It makes Mono and Six feel lighter, softer, happier.

Six feels protected, for once in her life, she knows she isn't fighting alone.

In the crumbled ruins of The Pale City apartments, death came knocking. Nearly escaping death from above, Mono awakens to his sight filled with ruined walls and falling dust. Lifting a plank off himself, Mono clammors to his feet, feeling lightheaded after nearly being crushed. But as Mono takes in his surroundings, he realizes Six wasn't so lucky.

Mono rushes to Six, terrified by the possibility of her being dead; she looks dead underneath all that rubble. But as Mono gets closer, Six magically awakens, lifting the heavy weight crushing his heart.

As Mono gently takes Six's hand he ignores his fear and anxiety. Instead he pulls, pulling with all his might. So when Mono yanks Six out from the debris, they fly backwards and onto the floor.

Mono lifts his head, seeing Six already looking at him. Her face is covered in dust, her expression pained and tired. Bud as Mono looks at Six, she starts laughing.

"Mono…" Six shakes her head, smiling like nothing is wrong. "You look terrible."

And with that, they both start laughing breathless laughs, filling the decaying apartments with a long lost joy.

When Mono and Six eventually rise from the floor, they clumber towards each other, almost topping from the weight of their swelling hearts. As they bump into each other, they don't feel any pain.

In fact, they hug each other, glad to be in one anothers proximity. This soft hug changes as both Mono and Six agree to kiss.

Six's hands gently take Mono's face, feeling his cheeks puff as he smiles. Mono stares deep into Six's eyes, envisioning a beautiful future where they don't have to be scared anymore.

Then they finally kiss.

It makes all the pain go away. It makes both of them smile, desperate for more love.

The red thread ties their hearts together, for better and for worse.

The two separate from the kiss, still blissful in love.

"Six, I love you."

Mono's lips gently kiss Six's forehead, trying to show the love that almost makes his heart burst.

"I love you too."

Six returns the gesture, keeping Mono stuck in her hands so he can't escape the barrage of kisses she's going to plaster all over his hot cheeks.

As the duo sink deeper and deeper into love, they keep laughing, letting the red thread that ties their hearts together get stronger and stronger.

In the violet corridors of the Signal Tower, a room with a plethora of junk and toys can be found. For Mono and Six, this small place has become an unlikely home. Although Mono hasn't lived in this place long, he has accepted it as home.

He knows little of the nightmares Six had to endure to still be here, but Mono doesn't need to know. Six is here, even if she's changed, she's still here.

Mono lays on a bed of teddy bears, half of them stomped to be fitting of a bed. Since Mono arrived, Six has spent most of her time making a bed and blanket for him. The bed isn't amazing, but Six has chosen to become the blanket. And in all honesty, she's kinda comfortable, albeit somewhat heavy.

Mono looks at his blanket. Six barely lays her head atop him, snoring softly. Her new appearance is something Mono must adjust to, especially when she's nearly six times her original size.

But it's not the size he must adjust to.

Six has lost her speech, lost most of her mobility and lost her desire to leave this new home.

Mono looks at Six. The red thread in his heart is tied to her, but it hurts to be tied so close.

Mono shakes Six awake, getting a groan in response. Six lifts her head and looks at him, waiting for Mono to speak.


She keeps looking at him, her bangs hiding whatever emotion she shows.

"Can we go now?"

Six shakes her head, repeating the same answer as before. Mono frowns as his heart hurts now.

Six keeps looking at Mono, unable to show whatever her reaction is. She doesn't say anything, she just keeps staring. As much as Mono wishes she could speak, he knows that her beautiful voice will remain a distant memory.

Mono speaks, his voice soaked with a sadness that will never leave.

"... It's okay. As long as I'm with you Six…" Mono smiles weakly as he looks at Six, remembering the fond memory of the Hunter's cabin. "Then I'm happy."

Six doesn't speak, instead, she lays her head on the floor beside Mono. Understanding the request, Mono kisses her head. He holds her gently as he gives soft kisses, trying to make up for all the kisses they lost when she was taken away.

Six lets out a guttural, almost inhuman groan. If she was a real monster, Mono would assume that she is trying to scare him.

But Mono knows what she's trying to say.

"I love you."

It all started as a funny joke.

But now, Mono just wants one more laugh.

"I love you too."


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