Work Nonwork and Sleep (Wns) a Review and Conceptual Framework


The COVID-19 pandemic acquired a massive healthcare crisis that many afflicted countries attempted to accost with the national first-signal-of-contact strategy for possible COVID-nineteen cases, as recommended by Globe Health Organisation (2020). This arroyo protects healthcare professionals in primary care centers and hospitals, every bit well every bit individuals who perform other services in these institutions. In Slovenia patients with signs of acute respiratory infection with or without fever were directed to COVID-xix entry points (Ministrstvo za zdravje-Republika Slovenija, 2020). For outpatients that did not necessarily require hospital care, COVID-19 entry points were in healthcare centers across the country, where primary level physicians performed the testing for COVID-19 infection. For inpatients that required hospital treatment, entry points were located within emergency medical intendance units. Medical Chamber of Slovenia was concerned that the establishment of COVID-19 entry points inside emergency medical care units or at principal health care centers further increased the hazard of infection spread onto patients without infection that needed to wait upward to 3 h to receive their examination results. They believed that the COVID-nineteen entry points should exist established exterior of the bounds of healthcare facilities by National Found for Public Health (NIJZ) and handled exclusively by epidemiologists (Čebašek-Travnik et al., 2020). Furthermore, establishment at the chief level hospital has increased concerns due to the lack of articulate guidelines, difficulties in establishment of advisable spaces, express access to protective gear, and most importantly, it provided boosted responsibilities in the diagnosis of COVID-19 to general practitioners (Klim, north.d.), which were already severely understaffed and overwhelmed prior to the epidemic (Republika Slovenija Državni Zbor, 2019; Klim, n.d.). By the end of July 2020, 17% of all infections with COVID-nineteen in Slovenia were diagnosed among healthcare workers or workers in other care facilities (NIJZ, 2020). This has shown to be a major contributing factor in some of the regions with the highest infection rate, such as Šmarje pri Jelšah, Metlika, and Ljutomer, where the infections among healthcare workers or long-term care workers accept shown to be the of import contributors toward the spread of the infection (Motoh, 2020). Our study aims to sympathise how perceived work safety and exposure to run a risk, such as working at COVID-19 entry points, could have impacted doc slumber and psychological performance at work and whether sleep and safety could have worked every bit protective factors in ensuring resilient healthcare organization by decreasing the likelihood of compromised safety and medical errors.

Understanding the sleep of physicians in relation to the COVID-nineteen response is important equally: (1) Sleep deprivation increases the likelihood and subsequent adverse outcomes of infection (Patel et al., 2011; Prather and Leung, 2016). (2) Sleep loss decreases cognitive and emotional functioning of physicians (Zohar et al., 2005), increasing the likelihood of agin outcomes, such every bit medical errors and compromised condom (Barger et al., 2006; Lockley et al., 2007; Brossoit et al., 2019). Short sleep of less than 7 h (Watson et al., 2015) limits the amount of restoration 1 receives during the nighttime, while low slumber quality, referring to insomnia symptoms, such as difficulties in falling asleep, maintaining sleep, or frequency of waking in the middle of the night, can disrupt recovery processes (Scott and Estimate, 2006; Harvey et al., 2008; Barnes, 2012; Litwiller et al., 2017; Medic et al., 2017). Additionally, some authors suggest that daytime sleepiness can exist considered every bit an indicator of insufficient slumber (Johns, 1992; Akerstedt et al., 2014).

Research from Wuhan, China, during the beginning ii months of the COVID-19 outbreak showed that sleep quality played an important role in self-efficacy and anxiety levels among healthcare professionals working with COVID-19-infected patients (Xiao et al., 2020). Sleep affects 1's cerebral, emotional, and behavioral cocky-regulation and by doing and so decreases the power of individuals to perform well at work. Self-regulation can be defined equally a procedure through which individuals navigate and alter goal-directed activities past controlling thoughts, attention, bear upon, and behavior (Karoly, 1993; Baumesiter et al., 2011; Barnes, 2012; Brossoit et al., 2019). Slumber deprivation decreases working retentiveness functioning and thereby significantly increases the time needed to complete tasks, the likelihood of attention mishaps, and ones' susceptibility to be distracted by emotional stimuli (Alhola and Polo-Kantola, 2007; Walker, 2009; Barnes, 2012). Subtract in cognitive performance may further be amplified, if sleep restriction lasts for a longer period of fourth dimension (Van Dongen et al., 2003). Low chore completion due to the problems an private encounters with self-regulation tin furthermore increase the likelihood of experiencing negative bear on, every bit research on nurses has shown that daily chore completion has been linked to an increment in positive affect and subtract in negative affect (Gabriel et al., 2011). Neurological studies have shown that sleep participates in habituation processes and reduces aversive reactions to stressful stimuli (Deliens et al., 2014). This may be especially crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic as healthcare workers are at an elevated take chances of experiencing emotional distress (Rangachari and Woods, 2020). Resilience can buffer the effects of negative affectivity resulting from low task completion at piece of work (Gabriel et al., 2011), with Artuch-Garde et al. (2017) study showing that there is a strong overlap between constructs of self-regulation and resilience. Resilience is characterized as a dynamic and flexible process of accommodation to changes, which tin can human activity as a buffer to stress and is a protective factor against psychological distress and mental health disorders (Montero-Marin et al., 2015; Arrogante and Aparicio-Zaldivar, 2017). Similarly to self-regulation, an individual'south resilience has been linked to higher quantity and quality slumber (Germain and Dretsch, 2016; Sher, 2020). A resilient healthcare system is crucial for fighting infectious diseases (Nuzzo et al., 2019), with the new definition of safety in healthcare settings equally proposed by WHO, emphasizing resilience abilities and ability to respond to changing surround in order to protect prophylactic (Sujan et al., 2019), which, notwithstanding, does not occur without the healthcare professionals' power to remain resilient (Jensen et al., 2008; McCann et al., 2013).

Emerging research shows that healthcare workers, working direct with COVID-nineteen-infected patients, were more probable to develop symptoms of low, anxiety, and insomnia (Huang and Zhao, 2020; Pappa et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020). Rangachari and Forest (2020) debate that decreased psychological safety and emotional distress felt by healthcare workers during COVID-xix, farther contributed toward restricting organizational resilience and adversely impacted patients' condom. However, very petty enquiry explores the effects this might accept had on doctor's work. To investigate the role slumber and perceived work condom had on physician'due south work, we tested the hypothetical model every bit shown in Figure 1. The model was based on the following assumptions. Slumber will decrease negative psychological functioning at work, incidences of compromised safety, and medical errors (Hypothesis 1). Negative psychological functioning at piece of work will increase the incidences of compromised safety and medical errors (Hypothesis 2). Perceived work safety volition exist linked to better sleep, less negative psychological functioning, and lower levels of compromised safety (Hypothesis 3).

Effigy ane. Hypothesized model of the effects of sleep and perceived work safety on psychological performance at piece of work and its relationship with compromised safety and medical errors.

Materials and Methods

Participants and Procedure

On March 25, the Medical Bedchamber of Slovenia, in this instance acting as the intermediary, sent the Questionnaire of Sleep and Psychological Functioning at Work to 9,727 registered physicians, of which 1,193 responded (12% response rate). The written report was preregistered at the Department of Psychology at the University of Ljubljana, and the questionnaire was uploaded on (an online Slovene platform used for research purposes). On the front page, physicians were informed most the purpose of the written report, the correct to withdraw, usage of the information, while anonymity of their responses was ensured. The study was conducted as a part of a larger survey designed to develop a measure assessing sleep and psychological functioning at piece of work for physicians, including boosted questions used in society to provide recommendations on how to improve emergency response to COVID-nineteen. The questionnaire was presented on seven different pages with an average survey fourth dimension of ten min. After the participants submitted their responses, they were unable to return and change their submission. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved past the Executive committee of the Medical Bedroom of Slovenia. Before the survey was launched, a pilot study was conducted on a small sample of physicians (n = 21). Based on the initial analysis and feedback provided by participants, the measures proposed in the questionnaire were adapted and improved. The items included in the survey were derived from theories, too as post-obit examples of pre-existing and pre-established measures assessing sleep, cocky-regulation, resilience, emotions, safety, and medical errors.


Demographics, COVID-19, and Piece of work-Related Information

The questionnaire included questions regarding gender, age, illnesses, the nature of work (specialization, levels of hospital intendance, nighttime shift work, absence from work, and region of work) as well every bit COVID-19-related characteristics (working at a COVID-xix entry point and exposure to COVID-nineteen).


The calibration assessing sleep was synthetic based on theory and post-obit examples of pre-existing and validated measures of slumber. To appraise the fit of the model, exploratory and confirmatory cistron analysis was conducted, indicating three-factor (shorter-version) and four-factor construction (longer-version). Based upon psychometric analysis, items referring to sleep apnea, subjective slumber evaluation, and medicine taking were excluded from the measure out. For the purpose of this study, a shorter version including nine items was used with three-dimensional cistron structure (sleep quality, quantity, and latency). Scores on sleep scale are calculated every bit a sum of all dimensions (sleep quantity, quality, and latency) with the lowest score 0 and the highest score 30. Physicians reported the occurrence of sleeping problems on a 4-point Likert scale (3never, 2–less than one time a week, ane–once or twice a week, 0–three or more times a week). Items referring to sleep quantity included slumber elapsing on workdays and not-workdays (0—< vi h, i—half-dozen–7 h, 2—7–eight h, 3—eight–ix h, 4—ix–10 h, 5— >10 h) and the occurrence of reduced sleep (<5 h slumber). Items referring to slumber quality included questions on the occurrence of insomnia symptoms and nightmares. Sleep latency included items of boilerplate sleep latency (0—less than 30 min, 1.5—from 30 to threescore min, 3—more than 60 min) and the occurrence of delayed sleep latency (> xxx min). Given that the items referring to frequency of reduced sleep (<5 h) and average sleep latency were scored on unlike continuums to the dimension of sleep quantity and quality, the scoring of the items was transformed to allow equal weights among indicators. The total score of slumber (0–thirty) is calculated as a sum of all the total scores on dimensions of sleep quantity (0–xv), sleep latency (0–6), and sleep quality (0–xvi) (Appendix one).

Psychological Functioning at Work

A scale was developed to assess potential self-regulatory failures, experience of negative emotions, and resilience at work. In our scale development, we followed example similar measures assessing reduced cognitive and emotional regulation at work, negative affectivity, where nosotros take specifically added items that refer to emotions that physicians could accept experienced during crisis and could have impacted their work. Finally, nosotros have added items assessing resilience based on previous measures and literature on healthcare workers (Jensen et al., 2008; McCann et al., 2013). Items were scored on a five-point Likert scale (1—never, 2—rarely, three—sometimes, four—frequently, v—very oftentimes). The measure consists of vii items assessing self-regulatory failures (determination making, memory problems, attending deficits, emotional regulation in interaction, empathy), five items assessing negative affectivity (feelings of powerlessness, fear, anger, sadness and concern), and five items referring to resilience (adaptation, coping, positivity, feeling strong and capable, energy, self-efficacy). To allow for the comparability of unlike dimensions, we have averaged the score of specific dimensions and total score. The scale can be scored both on the negative every bit on the positive end of the continuum (Appendix 2).

Compromised Safety and Medical Errors

Items referring to incidences of compromised safety and medical errors in the first calendar month of COVID-nineteen epidemic ("In the past month, how often on average did.") were measured on a iv-point scale (1—never, 2—less than or once a week, 3—ii or three times a week, iv—more than than three times a calendar week).

Perceived Work Condom

Iii items measured participants' level of agreement ("To what extent exercise you agree, with each of the statements that it was true for you or your work environment in the by calendar month…") on statements referring to perceived work safety (…the safe of employees was well taken care of, …you lot were provided with protective gear in sufficient quantities, …you felt safe and protected) based on a five-betoken Likert scale (1—completely disagree, 2—disagree, three—neither agree nor disagree, 4—agree, 5—completely agree).


The Slovenian version of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS; Johns, 1992) was used to assess the usual level of daytime sleepiness. The ESS is a widely used and validated tool, where respondents report their likelihood of falling asleep in different daily situations on a four-point calibration (0—would never doze, one—slight gamble of dozing, 2—moderate chance of dozing, 3—high hazard of dozing). Final scores are summed, and higher score indicates greater sleepiness, with score in a higher place 10 indicating excessive daytime sleepiness (Spira et al., 2011).

Statistical Analysis

The data was analyzed using SPSS and R statistical software. Start, nosotros conducted reliability assay for items assessing sleep and psychological functioning at work with Cronbach alpha and McDonald'southward omega indexes. Then nosotros performed exploratory cistron analysis in SPSS to identify optimal factor structure. To establish construct validity, we performed confirmatory factor analysis using Lavaan package in R. Later on testing for assumptions, multivariate linear regression analysis was used to assess the predictor power of items that were finally added in the model. We used structural equation modeling in the parcel Lavaan referring to Robust Maximum Likelihood to assess the fit of the models, as some items showed pregnant deviations from normality. In our evaluation of the model, we followed the guidelines proposed by Marsh et al. (2005) and the European Periodical of Psychological Assessment (Schweizer, 2010). Binary logistic regression assay was performed in lodge to investigate the potential differences among physicians working at COVID-19 entry points and others.


Our study included a representative sample of physicians working in all 12 geographical regions of Slovenia. The number of physicians that participated in the study was the highest for the 2 regions with the largest population size (Primal Slovenia and the Drava region). Surveys, 1,019, were completed; nevertheless, after the initial analysis, four participants were excluded from the assay, equally they have non met the criteria of being employed either full-time or function-time at the time of the study (the total number of included participants was due north = i,189). The majority of physicians included in the sample was employed total-fourth dimension (994, 92.55%), and seven.45% (80) of the subjects reported working part-time or being in a different contractual human relationship (missing = 115). The sample predominantly consisted of female person participants (787, 73%) and a smaller proportion of male participants (287, 27%), which is in line with the demographics of Slovene physicians, as the Eurostat (2019) report suggests that approximately lx% of physicians in Slovenia are women. The sample included physicians working in all 54 specializations listed by the Medical Sleeping room of Slovenia, with the largest sample of physicians in full general practice (224, xx.86%), dental medicine (130, 12.1%), pediatrics (87, eight.1%), intervention medicine (68, 6.33%), gynecology and obstetrics (68, 6.33%), neurology (41, iii.81%) and anesthesiology, rheumatology, and perioperative intensive medicine (39, 3.63%). Iii hundred five (28.4%) physicians were diagnosed with chronic illness, 18 (1.68%) with mental disease, and 8 (0.75%) physicians reported having been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. The majority of participants reported they were in a relationship or married with children (692, 64.43%) or in a relationship without children (205, nineteen.09%); a smaller proportion of participants reported they were unmarried, divorced, or widowed without children (99, 9.22%). The boilerplate historic period of participants was 45.6 years (SD = 11.56), with the youngest participant being 25 years of age and the oldest 84 years of age. As shown in Table 1, the sample was evenly distributed beyond all historic period groups. 3 participants included in the sample reported they were infected, while 153 (12.97%) participants reported they were in close contact with someone who was infected, and 210 (17.78%) physicians reported that their co-workers were infected with COVID-19 (Table 1).

Table 1. Demographic and work-related characteristics of physicians (due north = 1,189).

Table 2 shows sleep elapsing and sleepiness of physicians during the first calendar month of the COVID-19 epidemic in relation to psychological performance at work. Overall, the results show that the bulk of physicians slept less than what is recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (Watson et al., 2015), i.e., half dozen–7 h on workdays (531, 51.five%), and the second largest group of physicians slept less than 6 h per night (299, 28.nine%). On not-workdays, physicians slept longer on average: the majority of participants slept for the recommended period of vii–8 h (390, 37.83%) and viii–9 h (227, 22.02%). Nevertheless, a substantial proportion of physicians reported sleeping between half dozen and vii h per night (281, 27.16%) or less than 6 h per night (74, 7.18%) on not-workdays. The largest group of physicians fell in the category of normal sleepiness according to the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (809, 79.39%) or within balmy sleepiness (154, fifteen.11%), with a smaller proportion of physicians having moderate (35, 3.43%) or severe sleepiness symptoms (21, two.06%). The majority of respondents needed less than xxx min to autumn asleep (722, lxx.02%), the 2nd largest group on average thirty–60 (248, 24.05%), and the smallest group of physicians needed more than than 60 min to autumn asleep (61, v.92%). Near physicians experienced night awakening three or more times a week on average (377, 36.08%), the second largest group of physicians two or more times a week (311, 29.76%), the 3rd largest group less than once a week (233, 22.three%), while a small proportion of physicians (x.53%) (110) reported no incidence of nighttime enkindling during the calendar month of the COVID-19 epidemic. On the other paw, the majority of physicians reported having no difficulties falling back comatose after nocturnal awakening during the month of the COVID-19 epidemic (313, 29.95%), or experienced such difficulties less than in one case a calendar week (290, 27.75%), with 233 (22.23%) physicians experiencing such difficulties once or twice a week and 195 (18.66%) experiencing such difficulties iii or more times a week. A majority of physicians reported having no nightmares in the past month (440, 42.68%) or having them less than in one case a week (328, 31.81%), with a smaller proportion of physicians reporting such problems once or twice a week (186, xviii.04%), and three or more than times a week (77, seven.47%). The largest group of physicians savage in the category of normal sleepiness according to the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (809, 79.39%) or within mild sleepiness (154, fifteen.11%), with a smaller proportion of physicians having moderate (35, 3.43%) or severe sleepiness symptoms (21, 2.06%).

Tabular array 2. Descriptive statistics for sleep dimensions (sleep quality, sleep latency, and sleep quantity) and daytime sleepiness in the commencement month of the COVID-19 epidemic (n = 1,189).

Confirmatory gene assay showed an adequate fit of the proposed hierarchical model for sleep scale with Robust Maximum Likelihood statistics χii = 125.61, df = 25, χtwo/d f = 5.02, p = 0.000, CFI = 0.96, TLI = 0.94, RMSEA = 0.07, 90% CI (0.05, 0.07), p = 0.02, SRMR = 0.05. The full score showed good overall reliability (α = 0.79, ω = 0.87) and acceptable reliability of all three subdimensions referring to the parameters of sleep quantity (α = 0.58, ω = 0.76), quality (α = 0.76, ω = 0.78), and latency (α = 0.84, ω = 0.87). Moderate positive correlations between all iii dimensions of sleep indicate good multivariate outcome (r = 0.29–0.46, p < 0.001). Further on, nosotros investigated the fit of the model for psychological functioning at work. Exploratory gene assay indicated potentially 3-dimensional factor construction, with high eigenvalue on first factor loading indicating potentially hierarchical cistron construction. The model showed adequate fit for a hierarchical structure, and to ameliorate the model fit, 6 indicators on latent dimensions were allowed to co-vary. Maximum likelihood χ2 = 619.02, df = 108, p < 0.001, χ2/d f = v.73, CFI = 0.95, TLI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.06, xc% CI (0.06, 0.07), p = 0.001, SRMR = 0.04. Reliability assay of the questionnaire showed excellent reliability overall (α = 0.92, ω = 0.92) and in the specific dimensions of negative affectivity (α = 0.88, ω = 0.88), negative cocky-regulatory processes (α = 0.81, ω = 0.75), and resilience (α = 0.86, ω = 0.85).

The sleep total score showed small negative meaning correlations with the total score of the Epworth Sleepiness Calibration (r = −0.25, p < 0.001), as well as dimensions on sleep quantity (r = −0.27, p < 0.001), slumber quality (r = −0.25, p < 0.001), just with a very small, although pregnant, correlation with latency (r = −0.06, p < 0.05), indicating the validity of the measurement. Small to moderate meaning positive association was establish between all dimensions of slumber and the average score of psychological operation of physicians at work (r = 0.17–0.46, p < 0.001). Negative moderate relationship was constitute between sleep and self-regulatory failures (r = −0.34, p < 0.001) also as negative affectivity (r = −0.41, p < 0.001), while resilience has shown to exist positively related to slumber (r = 0.29, p < 0.001). Psychological operation of physicians at work was negatively associated to physicians' total score on sleepiness (r = −0.25, p < 0.001). A lower score on sleep parameters and a higher score on daytime sleepiness was positively related to the incidence of physicians' individual compromised rubber at work (r = −0.14, p < 0.001; r = 0.12, p < 0.001, respectively); similarly, a significant negative relationship was found betwixt psychological functioning at piece of work and incidences of compromised prophylactic (r = −0.27 to −0.29, p < 0.001) likewise equally incidences of medical errors reported (r = −0.12 to −0.33, p < 0.001). The dimension of self-regulatory failures, specifically, was positively related to more compromised safety reported (r = 0.25–0.29, p < 0.001), with a significant positive moderate correlation between self-regulatory failures and medical errors committed due to exhaustion (r = 0.38, p < 0.001) and a pocket-sized significant correlation to life-threatening medical errors (r = 0.12, p < 0.001). A significant negative human relationship was plant betwixt resilience and compromised safety (r = −0.2 to −0.23, p < 0.001) and medical errors (r = −0.13 to −0.25, p < 0.001). A significant positive relationship was found between negative affectivity and compromised prophylactic, which was higher for individual compromised safe (r = 0.2–0.27, p < 0.001), likewise every bit for medical errors due to exhaustion (r = 0.2, p < 0.001). Furthermore, perceived work prophylactic at the time of the COVID-19 epidemic was significantly related to lower psychological functioning at work (r = −0.31, p < 0.001), lower compromised safety (r = −0.26 to −0.39, p < 0.001), and lower number of life-threatening medical errors (r = −0.11, p < 0.001) (Table 3).

Table 3. Means (M), Standard Deviations (SD), Alpha (α), Omega (ω), and Pearson Correlations betwixt (sub)dimensions of sleep, psychological functioning at work, sleepiness, perceived work condom, medical errors, and compromised safety during the showtime calendar month of the COVID-19 epidemic (n = 1,189).

Equally can exist seen in Effigy 2, there is an indication of weak positive linear relationship between the full score on sleep and the average psychological functioning at work. The group of physicians who worked at a COVID-19 entry point had consistently lower scores on psychological performance at work for each score on sleep than physicians who did non. To investigate the human relationship further, we performed multiple linear regression analysis (Table four). All predictors were significant predictors, and sleep proved to be the strongest predictor of an increase in the physicians' psychological operation at work (β = 0.43, p < 0.001, R 2 = 0.eighteen, p < 0.001). When the total score on sleepiness was added, the model showed a pocket-sized significant improvement (ΔR 2 = 0.02). Physicians that experienced more daytime sleepiness showed a significant decrease in their psychological operation at piece of work (β = −0.13, p < 0.001), while positive perception of work condom at the time of the COVID-19 epidemic increased physicians' psychological operation at work (β = 0.24, p < 0.001) and provided improvement to the model (R 2 = 0.26, ΔR 2 = 0.06, p < 0.001).

Figure 2. Human relationship betwixt slumber and psychological functioning at work, for groups of physicians working at COVID-xix entry points (n = 319) and other physicians (n = 861).

Tabular array four. Multiple linear regression investigated the effects of slumber, sleepiness, perceived piece of work condom, and working at a COVID-xix entry point on physicians' psychological functioning at work (north = i,189a).

Starting time, we investigated the predictor power of sleep and its effects on psychological functioning at work. To amend the model fit we immune five covariances and one covariance between latent dimensions. Robust Maximum Likelihood statistics χtwo = ane,142.06, df = 386, p = 0.000, χ2/df = two.95, CFI = 0.93, TLI = 0.92, RMSEA = 0.04, p = 1, 90% CI (0.04, 0.05), SRMR = 0.06, showed adequate fit to the hypothesized structure. Structural equation modeling showed that latent dimension of slumber significantly predicted a subtract in negative psychological operation at work [a = −0.63, p < 0.001, 95% CI (−0.95, −0.66), B = −0.eight, SE = 0.08]. However, contrary to the expectations, in that location were no meaning directly effects of slumber on the incidences of compromised prophylactic [b = 0.08, p > 0.05, 95% CI (−0.08, 0.25), B = 0.09, SE = 0.09] and medical errors [c = 0.06, p > 0.05, 95% CI (−0.1, 0.21), B = 0.06, SE = 0.09]. Negative psychological functioning at work, on the other hand, increased the incidences of medical errors [d = 0.46, p < 0.001, B = 0.4, SE = 0.07, 95% CI (0.32, 0.6)] and compromised prophylactic [e = 0.47, p < 0.001, B = 0.39, SE = 0.07, 95% CI (0.27, 0.53)]. Sleep had indirectly, by decreasing negative psychological functioning at work, decreased incidences of medical errors [ae = −0.32, p < 0.001, SE = 0.06, 95% CI (−0.39, −0.xix)] and compromised prophylactic (advertising = −0.33, p < 0.001, B = −0.32, SE = 0.06, 95% CI (−0.39, −0.2)]. Significant covariances were found between medical errors and compromised safety [f = 0.62, p < 0.001, B = 0.62, SE = 0.08, 95% CI (0.47, 0.78)]. This shows, partial support for the hypothesized model, with better sleep directly decreasing negative psychological functioning at work, and by doing then indirectly decreasing the incidences of compromised safety and medical errors (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Structural equation model showing the influence of sleep on psychological functioning at work, compromised safe and medical errors. Coefficients represent standardized estimates (n = 1,189). Statistical significance levels *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

We tested the second model when perceived work safety was added into the model. To improve the model fit, nine covariances between indicators and 1 on latent dimensions of medical errors and compromised rubber. The model was within the recommended standards with Robust Maximum Likelihood statistics χ2 = 1,336.27, df = 484, p = 0.000, χ2/d f 2.77, CFI = 0.94, TLI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.04, p = 1, 90% CI (0.04, 0.05), SRMR = 0.06, showing acceptable fit to the data. Perceived piece of work safe at the time of the Covid-19 epidemic has shown pregnant improvement in sleep [a = 0.19, p < 0.001, 95% CI (0.i, 0.28), B = 0.19, SE = 0.05], and reduction in negative psychological functioning at work [c = −0.33, p < 0.001, 95% CI (−0.33, −0.19), B = −0.35, SE = 0.05] and incidences of compromised safety [f = −0.26, p < 0.001, 95% CI (−0.33, −0.xix), B = −0.25, SE = 0.05]. Slumber predicted significantly less negative psychological functioning at work [b = −0.57, p < 0.001, 95% CI (−0.64, −0.v), B = −0.75, SE = 0.07], while negative psychological operation at work caused a significant increase in medical errors [east = 0.31, p < 0.001, 95% CI (0.27, 0.47), B = 0.37, SE = 0.05] and compromised safety [d = 0.44, p < 0.001, 95% CI (0.35, 0.54), B = 0.31, SE = 0.05]. Pregnant co-variances were found betwixt compromised prophylactic and medical errors [one thousand = 0.62, p < 0.001, 95% CI (0.46, 0.78), B = 0.62, SE = 0.08]. In the aforementioned way, as in the previous model, slumber had indirectly, by decreasing negative psychological operation at work, increased the likelihood of medical errors [bd = −0.26, p < 0.001, 95% CI (−0.26, −0.14), B = −0.28, SE = 0.08] and compromised safe [be = −0.25, p < 0.001, 95% CI (−0.32, −0.nineteen), B = 0.11, SE = 0.02]. Different to the expectations, perceived work safety has shown a minor, however significant, indirect effect by decreasing negative psychological functioning on the incidences of medical errors [cd = −0.12, p < 0.001, 95% CI (−0.16, −0.06), B = −0.i, SE = 0.03]. The model supports the hypothesized model, showing perceived work safety as having important direct influence on improving sleep, reducing negative psychological functioning at work, compromised safety, and medical errors (Figure 4).

Effigy 4. Structural equation model, showing the influence of sleep and perceived piece of work safe on negative psychological functioning at work, compromised safety, and medical errors during the first month of the COVID-19 epidemic. Coefficients represent standardized estimates (northward = 1,189). Statistical significance levels *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate how slumber, psychological functioning at work, sleepiness, and perceived work condom differed between physicians working at COVID-nineteen entry point and others. Hosmer and Lemeshow test showed adequate fit to the information χ2 (8) = 5.99, p = 0.645, explaining nine.2% of total variance (Nagelkerke R 2 = 0.92). Based on Wald statistics, physicians that worked at COVID-19 entry point were i.26 times more likely to wake up during the nighttime (p < 0.05), 1.25 times more likely to experience nightmares (p < 0.05), and 0.77 more than probable to sleep less than v h per night (p < 0.01). Physicians working at COVID-19 entry points had significantly lower levels of psychological functioning at work (p < 0.001) (Table 5).

Table 5. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression for sleep, psychological functioning at work, sleepiness, and perceived work safety for groups of physicians working at COVID-19 entry betoken and other physicians (n = 1,019).


To our knowledge, no prior studies have investigated how physicians' slumber and perceived piece of work condom during the get-go month of the COVID-19 epidemic could have impacted physician psychological functioning at piece of work and the function they had in ensuring patient and doc rubber. Physicians working at a COVID-xix entry points were more likely to wake upward during the night, have nightmares, and slumber less than 5 h per night. This supports previous findings on medical staff from Wuhan, Communist china, which showed that medical staff working in isolation unit had 1.71 times higher probability of reporting indisposition symptoms (Zhang et al., 2020). Similarly, our findings showing college incidences of nightmares amid healthcare workers working at COVID-19 entry points support previous inquiry that suggests nightmares present ane of the symptoms of postal service-traumatic stress disorder (Campbell and Germain, 2016; Rangachari and Woods, 2020), with healthcare workers working directly with COVID-19 patients reporting significantly more PTSD symptoms in comparison to other healthcare workers (Johnson et al., 2020).

Our results prove that the majority of physicians slept less than what is recommended by the American Academy for Sleep Medicine and Slumber Research Society (Watson et al., 2015). Physicians, 28.ix%, are under the influence of sleep deprivation on workdays, which is concerning, every bit previous research suggests that sleep restriction of six h per night contributes to cognitive operation deficits equivalent to ii nights of full sleep deprivation (Van Dongen et al., 2003). Sleep and perceived work safety, both had a preventative role in ensuring that physicians maintain skilful levels of psychological functioning at piece of work even during the crisis. Opposite to the expectations, no directly upshot was establish of sleep on compromised safe and medical errors. Nevertheless, sleep, by decreasing negative psychological functioning at work, decreases incidences of committing adverse and potentially fatal incidents, such every bit compromised safety and medical errors. Our findings are therefore, just fractional in line with previous research linking sleep impecuniousness to increase in medical errors and compromised safety (Barger et al., 2006; Lockley et al., 2007; Smith and Plunkett, 2019). Nonetheless, they provide support for theoretical propositions placed forward by Barnes (2012) on sleep interest in the processes of cocky-regulation.

Physicians that slept well in the commencement month of the COVID-nineteen epidemic experienced less self-regulatory failures at work, had lower negative affectivity, and were able to remain resilient while working. This provides support for previous findings linking slumber to ameliorate cognitive and emotional self-regulation (Hagger et al., 2010; Barnes, 2012; Rosales-Lagarde et al., 2012; Krizan and Hisler, 2016; Palmer and Alfano, 2017), decrease in negative affectivity (Zohar et al., 2005; Deliens et al., 2014), and better resilience (Pedersen et al., 2015). Furthermore, our research shows the importance slumber plays in preventing cerebral failures that have shown, similar to our findings, negative impact on safety (Brossoit), besides as in emotional regulation, which works in prevention of self-injury (You et al., 2018) and can provide additional support to models such as Croskerry et al. (2010) that link emotional state of physicians as important in ensuring better judgment, determination making, and patient safe. By testing the hypothesized model, our findings showed that when perceived work safe was added into the 2d model, the model showed significant improvement, with perceived piece of work safety being linked to better sleep, lower level of negative psychological functioning at work, and higher incidences of compromised safety reported by physicians. These findings support the previous research that linked worries of personal safety and transmitting the illness to family members to reduction in sleep wellness during the COVID-nineteen pandemic (Singh et al., 2020). No meaning differences were found in physicians' evaluation of perceived work prophylactic between a grouping of physicians working at COVID-19 entry point and others.

Our study included a large sample of physicians and carries some important implications in terms of work settings and crunch management. Even though the Sleep and Psychological Functioning at Work Scale requires modifications, further validation and pocket-size sensitivity improvements, its psychometric backdrop, and established construct validity imply practiced potential for hereafter research and monitoring purposes. By using retrospective self-reports, we were able to reach a large sample of physicians across Slovenia, which would have been otherwise very hard to obtain due to quarantine restrictions imposed by the regime such, as brake of movement between municipalities and social distancing (Uradni List Rs št 38, 2020). Information technology provided us with an insight into physicians' subjective perception of sleep, which tin yet provide a valuable data nearly sleep (Ibanez et al., 2018). In the interpretation of our findings, there are some limitations to consider. Previous studies bear witness that retrospective self-reports are prone to distortion by memory recall and motives to provide biased responses (Stone et al., 2009), since respondents tend to overestimate slumber duration (Lauderdale et al., 2008), Findings by Van Dongen et al. (2003) propose that participants are largely unaware of the increasing cognitive deficits in chronic sleep condition (<6 h slumber), which can lead to underreporting in work-related measures and could explain why no direct relationship was institute between sleep, medical errors, and compromised safety. To farther validate our findings, nosotros suggest that convergent validity is established by comparing our measure out and findings with objective measures such every bit actigraphy (Sadeh, 2011) or results on psychomotor-vigilance job (Wilkinson and Houghton, 1982) that are frequently used in society to objectively measure sleep and its effects (Loh et al., 2004). Our study measured potential cumulative effects based on theoretical propositions and research placed forward by organizational researchers that advise both sleep quantity and quality play an of import function in ensuring self-regulation, as well every bit optimal states, behaviors, and attitudes at work (Barnes, 2012; Crain et al., 2018; Pilcher and Morris, 2020). It does non, however, differentiate between the effects of sleep on workdays vs. non-workdays, changes in slumber elapsing, and specific items on slumber quality, such as slumber fragmentation and nightmares in investigating its effects on psychological functioning at work. Our study has not included a sufficient sample of long sleepers in club to investigate the effects of long sleep on psychological functioning at piece of work. Inquiry, for example, shows that sleeping longer than ix h per night may be advisable for young adults or individuals recovering from sleep debt (Watson et al., 2015). Information technology tin, even so, reduce cognitive functioning (Kronholm et al., 2009) and is associated with depression (Patel et al., 2006), which is why we suggest future studies on larger sample sizes, recruiting longer sleepers to differentiate for potential effects of long sleep on physicians' psychological functioning at work.

Based upon our findings, training could be designed that would help physicians, place and change potential outcomes of cognitive failures, regulate emotions, and remain resilient in difficult situations. Further inquiry is needed, to run into how crisis management during the showtime calendar month of COVID-19 epidemic, could take impacted physicians' sleep and psychological functioning at work differently, as information technology would have had in normal circumstances. In the hereafter, special care should be taken to see how medical guidelines can be updated to better protect safety and sleep of physicians.


Working at Covid-19 entry points increased the likelihood of sleep awakening during the night, nightmares, occurrences of sleep lower than 5 h, and lower psychological functioning at work. Even so, this tin can be problematic, equally slumber and safety both play an important role in reducing negative psychological performance at piece of work and, by doing so, decreasing the likelihood that physicians volition enact negative and potentially fatal incidents during the pandemic, such as compromised safety and medical errors. Further studies should be taken to encounter how medical guidelines can be adapted, to ensure physicians receive enough sleep and that their rubber is protected.

Data Availability Argument

All datasets generated for this written report are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries tin can be directed to the corresponding writer/s.

Ideals Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the 1964 Proclamation of Helsinki and its later amendments. The study was approved by the Executive commission of the Medical Chamber of Slovenia.

Author Contributions

All authors developed the study concept, contributed to the study design, data drove, and data analysis, interpreted the data, drafted the manuscript, and canonical the final version for submission.


This written report was funded by the Slovenia Enquiry Agency (Grant Nos. P3-0338, P5-0110, and P3-0083).

Conflict of Involvement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absenteeism of whatsoever commercial or financial relationships that could be construed every bit a potential disharmonize of involvement.


We thank the Medical Chamber of Slovenia for their help and back up in the distribution of the study.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:


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